Friday, 11 July 2014

Felt Heirloom Carrots

Another felt vegetable installment, this time a variation on the original felt carrots I made a while back. Little Imp loves helping her dad in his garden, and takes delight in seeing the different colours of the heirloom carrots coming out of the ground, including the red 'beetroot' carrots.

The method for making these is the same as my original carrot post, but with one final step to make them a bit more 'bunky', a bit less like the straight, symmetrical shop bought variety.

To achieve the kinks in the carrots secure a doubled over matching thread somewhere along one one of the sewn lines on the carrot, then fold the carrot over & pass the thread through to another sewn line. Keeping the carrot bent between these two lines, tie off the thread. When you let go, the short secured thread will maintain some of this bend as a kink in the carrot. Add more kinks if you like for a really bunky carrot!

I liked the more authentic look this gave the carrots so much I have now added some kinks to the stock standard orange carrots too.

Now if only I could actually get Little Imp to eat carrot!

1 comment:

  1. They are just gorgeous! I was just talking with E the other day about purple and red carrots and said we would have to keep an eye out in the shops to look at them. Maybe I should just suggest we grow them! :)
